
How to uninstall wise program uninstaller
How to uninstall wise program uninstaller

how to uninstall wise program uninstaller

Gradually, these useless files accumulate on your hard-disk drive. Using the conventional method to uninstall programs from your computer, leaves behind some residual files. It is equipped with advanced tools that work effectively to erase these stubborn apps. In this situation where using the conventional method is not helpful, a Windows program uninstaller comes in handy. They need the type of uninstaller that powerfully removes these tricky and obstinate apps so to free up the disk space. Some software or applications don’t easily wipe out your system. Remove Stubborn Programs – No more Cluttering Windows Program Uninstaller also allows you to sort applications by Desktop Programs, Universal Apps, and System Components. The list of programs can be ordered by Name, Size, installation date, and Rating. The powerful search feature allows you to quickly find a program from the list. On the top menu, you can see how many programs there are in total and how much disk space they have occupied. It has a clean and modern user interface with its feature carefully stacked up that is easy to navigate. Wise Program Uninstaller is a lightweight program that installs quickly. Wise Program Uninstaller Free Download and Software Reviews This offline installer setup of Wise Program Uninstaller works with 32-bit or 64-bit versions of Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Installs quickly, can forcibly remove a program, also works from the Right-Click Context menu.ĭownload Wise Program Uninstaller latest version 2.6.1 for Windows PC. Wise Program Uninstaller is a free software uninstaller for windows that removes the pesky programs.

How to uninstall wise program uninstaller